Sunday, February 16, 2014

T0uching true st0ry..letter fr0m a g0od husband 4 his wife

"To the love of my life I write to you this…

We’v met during our freshman year of college and I fell in love with you ever since. I always wondered of what really attracted me to Was is the fact that you were always a hard working individual academically and spiritually? Or the fact that you love to help people? Truth is; everybody that met you fell in love with your personality. As a freshman on the tennis team you were given the title of being “the women’s rookie player of the year”. You helped the highlanders set a school record of victories with a 10-9 mark. I simply fell in love with you for being you.
We got engaged and been best friends ever since. You remember that time when we were in Dr. Hunter’s math class? He asked a question, while I was sleeping, and he said: “I think Omar would have the answer”. You had to wake me up… As I was opening my eyes; I looked towards you to see the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. College years passed by before we knew it and as we were getting ready for graduation we were also making plans for our wedding, applying to jobs and furnishing our small apartment.
June 27, 2009 was our wedding day. The next day when we woke up I asked you: “Fatma do you believe what happened yesterday?” “Do you believe how God blessed us with such a beautiful wedding?” You said: “I have no idea how God puts these things together”. One month after our honey moon, we found out that we’re pregnant and are now expecting a baby; we thanked God for that. At that point I swore to you that nothing is more dear and precious to me in this life than you; not even the baby, so before the baby comes I want you to know this.

Five months into the pregnancy; while you were teaching at school you fainted and became unconscious. I received a call from the school principal: “Mr. A. your wife has been rushed to St. Joseph’s hospital”. I rushed to the hospital, when I arrived you were still in the emergency room. Shortly afterwards; the doctor came out and told me you had a brain tumor and that we have to lose the baby as soon as possible in order to save your life. I was crying not knowing how this is going to end, but when I went inside and you were sitting and you said (smiling): “tell me, what’s going on?” I said: “Nothing”. You said: “I know there is something going on; tell me”. I said: “Nothing Fatma, they just found something inside”. You said (smiling): “So who put that thing inside?” I said: “I don’t know who put it inside.”
Ten days after this you went into a comma. I stayed by your side the whole time and would try to wake you up saying: “Come on my sleeping beauty, time to wake up”. I continued to pray for you throughout the day and night. I tried all I can to keep you safe; I tried every treatment doctors recommended and didn't lose hope. Even when doctors told me there is no hope, its useless just let her be. I tried to do everything possible, because I know that if you were in my place you would've stood in the face of the world and said: “I would do whatever it takes to save my husband”.

I praised God for allowing me to celebrate with you your 24th birthday; our first birthday as a married couple. Even if you were asleep that wasn't going to stop me from buying your favorite flavored cake and singing Happy birthday to you. I thank God for making you part of my life and I will always cherish every single day we spend together.
April 13, 2010 was the day God decreed you leave this world; you've been sleeping for the past 99 days. I hope you are happy with all what I had to offer you to the last breath. As we were driving to the cemetery for your funeral; I looked up to the sky and said: “Dear God, I fulfilled my share of the oath when I said till death do us part; she is now in your hands… please bless her soul”.
Till we meet again in Paradise; this I believe
I will always and forever love you

Your Husband.


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Sekadar Renungan

Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit & bumi pada pertukaran malam & siang ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan, kebijaksanaan & keluasan rahmat Allah) bagi orang-orang yang berakal. Iaitu bagi orang-orang yang mengingati semasa mereka berdiri & duduk & semasa mereka berbaring mengiring. Mereka memikirkan kejadian langit & bumi sambil berkata " Wahai tuhan kami! Tidakkah Engkau menjadikan benda-benda ini dengan sia-sia. Maha suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari azab neraka. Wahai Tuhan Kami! Sebenarnya sesiapa yang Engkau masukkan ke dalam neraka maka sesungguhnya Engkau telah menghinakannya & orang-orang yang zalim itu tidak akan beroleh penolong pun. Wahai Tuhan Kami! Sesungguhnya kami telah mendengar segala penyeru (rasul) yang menyeru kepada iman. Katanya Berimanlah kamu pada tuhan kmu maka kami pun beriman. Wahai Tuhan Kami! ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami & hapuskanlah daripada kami kesalahan kami & matikanlah kami bersama-sama orang-orang yang berbakti. Wahai Tuhan Kami! Berikanlah kepada kami pahala yang Engkau janjikan kepada kami melalui rasul-rasulMu & janganlah Engkau hina kami pada akhirat nanti. Sesungguhnya Engkau tidak memungkiri janji". (Surah Ali-Imran ayat 190-194).
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